Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Pepe Le Pew

Let us consider this quote:

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

Sound familiar? If not, you might consider going back and paying attention in your 9th grade English class. Here's a clue----------->>>

Now indulge me if you will...

What's in a name? Well quite a lot in fact. Obviously, this particular quote is referring to Romeo looking at Juliet and realizing that her last name is Capulet and that their love would be forbidden. So by saying this famous stanza, he is saying regardless of what she is called, she is still beautiful. But nitpicky as it may seem, the fact that he is even acknowledging her last name, tells us what's in a name. 

But I'm rambling, the real reason I started typing today was to start writing about cologne. Specifically, eau de toilet, which sounds very funny. For those of us who speak minimal French this could appear to say, "Toilet Water". Which could mean that people are splashing water from their toilets on themselves...uh...gross? So does toilet mean something else in French? 

So I did some digging and here's what I turned up: "Toilet" comes from "toilette" which from from "toile". "Toile" means, cloth or net or even clothing bag (when you add '-ette'). This then evolved over the next 150 years or so to mean "dressing room" and this usually meant it had a lavatory (which is also weird, since there is no volcano in my bathroom but: lava-tory...lava=wash, tory=place). So now, from being a clothing bag to a place where people do their "business". What a shit...I mean SHIFT! Phew, that was close! So what does it mean? Almost certainly, and I didn't look this up, I'm just inferring, Toilet Water or Water from the Toilet, means water from the dressing room. This water would be different because you would keep your "special" water in the dressing room like we do now (however, I like to call vodka my special water, but that's an entirely different nugget all together...)

Now the real issue that this brings up? Which Juliet was better looking?
....or....   ?????

Just to put this out there, the first actress at least took her top in the movie (did you know that? Ladies, you might be able to get your man to watch some quality cinema...well or a love story with that little NUGGET!)

This got a little SPICY today! Thanks for DIPPING in today!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Music of the...squares

So you decided to come back! Excellent!

I've been racking my brain for all of 15 seconds trying to determine a great "beginner" level nugget for you all and I finally figured it out. Let's talk about music...

Specifically (and only for a moment) Gangnam Style. The first YouTube video to get 1 Billion views (at this writing 1,449,027,550). Wow! That's a feat in itself. But what exactly is "gangnam" and what can English speakers learn from it?

Gangnam is one of the 25 districts that make up Seoul, South Korea and is known for its high concentration of wealth and housing costs (twice as high as everywhere else!) and is often compared to Beverly Hills, California. Well that was insightful. Right? Well, maybe....

What can the English speakers learn? (stay with me, my ADD might kick in on this, but we will make it through this together...I hope.) Let's talk patterns. Clothing patterns.

Paisley: Oooh. Classy. 
Argyle: A little pretentious?
Chevron: Not just a gas company...

Plaid: Toasty nights in front of a fire
Stripes: Want to look taller? Slimmer? Use vertical!
Polka-Dots: Not just for clowns

So that covers those...but what about this one?

 or this, which may look a little more familiar...... table clothe? Forget the ruby slippers, how about Dorothy's blue and white dress from the Wizard of Oz? 
What? This old thing?

But what's it really called?

While at work the other day someone commented on the pattern of my shirt. "What pattern hath though on thy garment?" They said. "I hath no idea, my fair maiden" (ok, that's not exactly how the conversation went, but it's close).  Surprisingly, more than one fair maiden complimented and questioned my shirt that day. It wasn't until someone walked by and heard the question asked that we had our answer. Anyone know what it is? That's right, GINGHAM! I was rockin' it, "oppan GINGHAM style!" :) 

My aspiration for this little nugget? That I or someone else, create a Gangnam Style parody called (and boy is this original), Gingham Style!

Keep it saucy and nugget on!


Why, hello there!

Some how you have stumbled your way to Nate's Nugget, a place where I (Nate) will be posting fantastically interesting little nuggets of information and fun for you, the reader's, enjoyment.

To keep things interesting, the dipping sauce will change by topic. Spicy? Savory? Sweet? The list goes on and on.

So keep it saucy and enjoy a nugget!